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10 Smart Reasons Why You Should Be A Sponsor

Imagine how your reputation soars when you work alongside other successful brands. Through event sponsorship, you can leverage this power of collective credibility. Sponsorship is increasingly popular among businesses that want to grow fast and reach quality audiences.

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  Photo by Mohamed Barrie, Owner of @Boston.Shots   Boston Street Futbol Club walked away Champions today, November 20, 2021 after a 3-0 win against BFC. Goalkeeper Jose Rios was voted MVP of fall 2021 and leftback Martin Granda was voted Most Improved Player of fall 2021. All players were rewarded medals for their accomplishment and participation in BSFC's 2nd Club Season.    The future is bright for players, the community, and the team. Plans of diving into more prestigious leagues are in the making. BSFC plans to return early next year to start physical training for interested players to prepare for the spring season. Coach Cardenas said today after the game "Many improvements are coming to the club. Some of which...

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Back to Back Most of you already know that BSFC was Silver Cup Champions in Summer 2021. It was the first time Boston Street Soccer introduced a club program into the organization. The players, staff, and fans were all key to a successful launch of BSFC. The story didn't end just there! BSFC had try outs the following week to prepare for Fall 2021. Some players resigned and some new players were signed with BSFC to compete to be Champions again. 12 weeks later, on Saturday, November 13, BSFC played in the semi-final game against Baazigar FC and beat them 6-5 at penalties.  Again! We made it to the Finals! BSFC is playing the Championship Game at Charlestown High School at 12PM. The...

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Losing Can Be a Good Thing: Here's Why

Written BY PETER ECONOMY  You don't always have to win to be a winner -- in fact, sometimes it's better to lose. Remember that one winning soccer goal you slipped in as a kid in elementary school? It all comes roaring back so fast--the way the crowd roared, the exuberance of your teammates, and the beaming smiles of your parents when they hugged you after the game. We don't easily forget the times we've won They're the easiest things to remember, the highlight reels we replay over and over again in our minds. They're the moments we like to relive when things are hard. Winning makes us feel good, like we've accomplished something great, but it doesn't force us to self-reflect...

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